The future of our democracy, republic, and free and fair elections, depends on us, the pro-democracy majority in America.

Political extremists are trying to take away our voting rights and overturn fair election outcomes when they don’t win. This assault on the foundations of our democracy cannot go unanswered. Americans must agree to overcome ideological differences and unite in common cause to save the future of our republic, democracy, and country.

About democracyFIRST

democracyFIRST PAC works to defeat the dangerous anti-democracy candidates running for critical public offices that oversee the administration and certification of our elections. In targeted races at the county, state, and national level, democracyFIRST PAC helps elect pro-democracy candidates, from both parties, who will safeguard the fundamental principles of free and fair elections and help achieve the promise of our democracy.

Support our work to elect democracyFIRST Leaders

Since its launch in 2021, democracyFIRST PAC has invested over $6 million to defeat anti-democracy candidates in competitive races for county, state and national offices that oversee the administration and certification of elections. democracyFIRST PAC’s electoral efforts hold candidates accountable for opposing core pro-democracy principles and subverting free and fair elections. These electoral investments help support pro-democracy candidates for governor, attorney general, and secretary of state, but also county positions like county recorder and county commissioner.

Democracy itself is on the ballot, and we have a plan to win:

Defeat political violence & election subversion.

Elect champions for democracy.

Safeguard future elections & put democracyFIRST

Win critical state, county, and municipal elections in Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Virginia:

In the 2023 state, county, and municipal elections, democracyFIRST PAC is implementing a unique cross-partisan political strategy that aims to isolate and defeat extreme anti-democracy candidates running for the public offices, which oversee the rules, funding, administration, counting, and certification of our elections. democracyFIRST’s 2023 political effort will target three states: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Virginia.


Isolate & defeat the anti-democracy threats to free & fair elections:

Following the 2020 Presidential Election, anti-democracy candidates mounted campaigns to win important offices overseeing elections. The majority of voters overwhelmingly rejected these candidates and sent a clear message about where they stand on the future of free and fair elections, the right to vote, and the peaceful transfer of power.

Since 2021, democracyFIRST PAC has made critical investments in targeted races across Arizona, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin. In addition to supporting pro-democracy candidates for statewide and federal offices, democracyFIRST PAC is one of the only cross-partisan political groups investing in often underfunded and overlooked races for state supreme court, state legislature, and county commission.

To identify, isolate, and defeat dangerous and extreme anti-democracy politicians, democracyFIRST launched the democracyFIRST Promise campaign. The Promise creates a non-partisan, pro-democracy baseline to evaluate candidates and elected officials by calling on them to publicly affirm their support for four fundamental pro-democracy principles.

democracyFIRST Promise

Protect the right to vote for eligible citizens.

Denounce threats or attempts to incite violence against political opponents or election workers.

Stop the spread of falsehoods and misinformation about the electoral process.

Accept and certify the final election results according to the law after all ballots are counted.

If elected to serve in public office, I promise to support and defend these foundational principles of our democratic republic.